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Easy Techniques to Relieve Stress

Do you ever feel so stressed that you just don't know where to turn or what to do? Now, you don't have to. (:
All you have to do is remember to reference this list whenever you feel overwhelmed.
Write down your favorites, share this post, make your own list, whatever you need to do in order to remember that you have options.
You don't have to put up with negative feelings. Zap €em quick with your own pers
onal outlets of stress relief!
Reference this list of 21 ways to cope with stress whenever you need it:
1) Wake up to sunlight peaking through your window. Embrace the sun's hello.
2) Do things for yourself. Wear your favorite outfit just because.
3) Empty your mind by writing furiously into a journal, no edits. Just let it all flow onto paper.
4) Say no for your own sake. You don't need to explain yourself.
5) Cut negative people from your life. Only keep positive, loving individuals around you.
6) Savor each bite, each spoonful, and every flavor when eating.
7) Don't be afraid to ask for help. It's okay.
8) Let the space between where you are and where you want to be inspire you, not terrify you.
9) Smile at the light blue sky and the fluffy, white clouds. Feel the gentle breeze caress your body and play with your hair.
10) Feel the rain on your skin. Let it wash away all your stress, if only for a moment.
11) Smile at the green grass, smile at an animal, smile at a stranger, smile at everyone, smile at yourself!
12) Compliment someone and watch as his or her eyes light up.
13) Know that you are the only thing standing in your way, so move over and let happiness into your life.
14) Write down your goals, in no certain order. Visualize accomplishing each one and how that feels. Remember that feeling when you feel discouraged.
15) Notice negative self-talk. Counter it. Be nice to yourself. You deserve it.
16) Hug someone tightly and fiercely with love. Let he or she know you care.
17) Look up at the night sky and realize what a vast and beautiful Universe you live in.
18) Breathe through your nose slowly. Keep this pattern of breathing when feeling overwhelmed.
19) Sing as if you are a star because you are. Ignore the off-pitch notes. Just sing for the joy of singing.
20) Immerse yourself in another world through reading, watching a movie, or listening to music.
21) Do something that you've been putting off right now! You'll feel better once it's done. At least get started.
What works best for you?
Share which tips were your favorites or name some of your own outlets.
Feel free to share them in the comment section below.
Next week's post will be on what stress is and it' many forms. Submit what stress it to you and how it affects you.


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