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How to Handle Stress in the Office

Are you worried about the unreasonable and immediate duedate that was given to you by your boss? Or are your boss given you a task that is not totally yours to do? Stuck in the middle of the road due of heavy traffic on the way to your office?Have an issue with your salary, when you are totally in need? Spend half of your day to finish a project only to realize you are wrong when you're finished? Basically these are the thing that you don't want to happen but is beyond your control, and will make you -- STRESSED.
Scientifically speaking, stress is a reaction to a stimulus that disturbs our physical or mental equilibrium.
When it Usually attack?

It usually happens when you are worried, scared, afraid or thinking too much about external forces, good example of external force is your boss. Sometimes over excitement can also lead to stress.
One good scenario of stress attack is when your boss gave you a project and the allotted time given is only a day. You will be worried if you can finish the task or not within 24 hours, you will start to think what will be the fastest way to finish it without compensating accuracy. You will be scared whether your boss likes your idea or not. And a lot more to think of.
How to overcome the stress at work?
Obviously, stress is something that we can't get over with, whether we like it or not, (which is definitely we are favored with the later). It is already a part of our existence, unfortunately, stress is part of our life. However, it doesn't necessarily mean we can welcome stress with wide arms open. We can overcome it.
honesty is the best policy. Be straightforward. When your boss, gave you duedate and you think it is way too impossible to meet the deadline, tell him frankly. Your boss might to give you better day allowance or will give consideration. He might appoint one of your co-worker to help you out. Two heads are better than one.
Manage your time well. Sometimes when we are stressed we tend to cope on stress in a negative way, like drinking alcohol to think better, a movie- marathon to forget for a while and some other things that are not necessary to do. Face the problem, if you have little time given, make your time valuable. You can list down the things to do and aim them.
Don't think of others. Sometimes if we are given a task, we think what will our co-worker will say. We listen to their opinion and criticism, which never helps a lot, worst it gives more stress to us. Always believe on what you are capable of, afterall your boss won't give you a task which he thinks you can't achieve. Think first on your own tool techniques and be confident at it. It is your boss that you need to be satisfied not your co-employee.
€Think positive.€ We always hear this tagline, but it is hard to do when you are under stressed. However it helps us to overcome our stressed. We may be stressed now but if we think of a good result ahead it may help us lessen it. Like a salary raised if we did good on a certain project, a promotion or paid vacation leave granted. In this way of thinking we became motivated at work instead of being stressed out.
Focus on what you can control. Yes, you can't control everything but sure there is something that you can. We can't make our day to be 25 hours or more but we can manage our time well. We can't stop the traffic on our way to office, but we can prepare early to avoid traffic. You can't stop your boss for giving you task, because that is his job, but you can ask for his help or his opinion.
The important thing when you are stressed, is that you know what to do and when to apply it. Don't let stress control you.


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