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Take Time To Re-Kindle Your Energy

Take Time To Re-kindle Your Energy
Our world has changed so dramatically. It's tough to cope with so many changes. Our bodies can wear out from running all the time. Our immune system suffers, and then our health. There are numerous ways to re-kindle our physical, emotional, spiritual and psychological energies. Seven of them are listed here:
#1 Nutrition
In a fast paced world, it's difficult to maintain a well-balanced diet. The most pressing problem is that the majority of us have been misled about what a 'well-balanced' diet really means. I turned to the vegan diet many years ago because I was convinced (and still am) that as the healthiest diet in the world it gives us great clarity about life and provides us with an enormous amount of energy. Such a blessing! It is also the most compassionate diet (animals are our friends, not our food, and they deserve to live too). The second issue is that our food is no longer as nutritious as it should be. Thank God for organic and non-GMO foods. The third issue is that obesity levels are skyrocketing around the globe with addictions to sweets and junk food. In our home, when we started to pay attention to the ingredients on packaged foods, we were shocked! Judging by the dramatic climb in the number of vegetarian/vegans around the world, intelligent folks are changing to a simple, plant-based (organic if you can) and fresh food diet.
#2 Exercise
We all know that we need to engage in exercise that raises our heart rate for 15 to 20 minutes at least three times a week. Exercise builders up the cardiovascular system. We also need fresh air to clear the mind. What exercise do you do regularly? Do you belong to a fitness club? Do you bicycle? Jog? Swim? Choose at least one activity that you can enjoy regularly.
#3 Find the Right Health Care Practitioner
In my pursuit of pro-active assistance, I stumbled across an article in the New England Journal of Medicine which stated that more people seek medical assistance from non-traditional sources than from M.D.'s. By "non-traditional" they referred to naturopaths, herbalists, shiatsu experts, and so on. In summary, there is a need for both traditional and non-traditional medical assistance today. Take control of your life. If you aren't feeling well, find out why and try to fix it. For the future, I vote for an integrated system combining both western and eastern medicine.
#4 Find a Dream Space
In a hustle and bustle world, our bodies need lots of time to cool down. Sit or lie down and think about your life; your plans. Keep a journal. Write things down every day. This process heals wounds, releases anger, and helps keep us focused on our personal goals. Where can you find your dream space? Is there a special place in your home where you can be alone? Use your dream space every day.
#5 Take Time to Rest
Some of us have been conditioned to work from dawn until we hit the sack. Our bodies need rest. Schedule time into every day when you can lie down and rest. Picture a hammock gently swinging between two trees with you in it!
#6 Get In Touch With The Spiritual You
Those who are in touch spiritually find it much easier to balance their lives. We all need something to believe in. if you don't already have a sense of spirituality, consider adding this important element to your life. Avoid cults or religions that manipulate the mind.
Those who meditate swear by it. I am one of those who meditates religiously every day and I swear by it! It is my fuel. It gives me the wisdom I need to run my life. It rejuvenates. You may also use relaxation recordings to tune out the world. For example, I highly recommend Stephen Halpern's music and guided visualizations at. Yoga does a great job as well.
#7 Take Energy Breaks!
Yes! Energy breaks should be taken before work, in mid-morning, at lunch, in mid-afternoon, on the way home or between different projects, before difficult meetings, at home during the evening, and on weekends. As you inject these fun energy breaks into your days, you'll notice a difference in your days; you'll notice a difference in your energy level, productivity, and general demeanor.
Take time to breathe joy into your life! You deserve it


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