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The Affair Aftermath - How to Salvage Your Marriage

Learning that your spouse had an affair is indeed painful and makes you feel victimized. It causes suffering not only for you but for your children as well. Trying to revive an affair-stricken marriage is one of the hardest things you will ever do. It takes courage on the part of the cheated spouse and time to heal the wounds caused by the affair.
You will definitely need determination to save a marriage damaged by a third-party affair. Divorce is an option chosen by many but a few are still willing to take the risk and try to
repair the marriage despite the feelings of betrayal and emotional turmoil.
Saving your marriage after an affair is a long and tedious process that will take time. Those who have undergone the same experience could wish to just be able to tuck away the bad memory but unfortunately, it is not as easy as that. The first thing you have to do after confronting your spouse and learning that he or she indeed carried an affair is to accept that it happened and it was not your fault. You need to immerse yourself in your feelings of grief and anger before you could move on, if that is what you really want.
A number of couples have grown stronger in marriage after an affair but this does not happen all the time. In some cases, the cheating party tends to repeat their mistakes over and over again. This is one important consideration if you are seeking to save a marriage.
If you had been the one cheated on by your spouse, it is understandable that you would feel like you would never be able to trust him or her again. There is no need to rush. And if your partner really regrets what happened, he will surely understand this. Even if the affair was just considered a "meaningless fling" by your partner, it would help if he or she would keep assuring you that he or she really is sorry for hurting you and betraying your trust.
Now if you are the one who cheated on your spouse, you should be the exerting more effort to save your marriage. You are going to have to repair the emotional damage you caused, which will surely prove to be quite a challenge.
Remember that your partner is going through a very tough time. After admitting your mistake, you need to assure your spouse daily how sorry you really are. Express your guilt, do not hold anything back. Above all, be ready to face the consequences of your actions. You might be feeling guilty and bad for the suffering of your partner, which sure is far greater than your own.


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