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Your Social Anxiety Solution

Social anxiety was affecting me on a daily basis and living in fear everyday of what was going to happen. After trying a few self help things on the internet that were a complete waste of money, I was beginning to accept that this might be the way my life is always going to be.
Through our lives, we normally experience different emotions all the time,emotions is what make us human, and fear is one of them. But sometime, we feel and experiment very intense negative emotions like shame, rejection, frustration, sorrow, unworthiness, extreme sadness, and so on. When we are feeling these intense emotions, the energy of these emotions became trapped in the body; can occur any
time, at any age, and they can be inherited too!!
Trapped energy can cause us chronic inflammation, anxiety, self-sabotage, and depression. Anxiety is an Emotional pain, trapped emotion in our bodies, can be so severe that it interferes with our ability to enjoy life, and in extreme cases,may even make you question whether your life is worth living.
Trapped emotions are under the skin surface, and they need to be brought to the surface,to be release.
Although it may feel like you're the only one with this problem, social anxiety or social phobia is actually quite common. Many people struggle with these fears. But the situations that trigger the symptoms of social anxiety disorder can be different or more stressful:
Meeting new people,Being the center of attention,Being watched while doing something,Making small talk,Public speaking,Performing on stage,Using public bathrooms,being teased or criticized,Talking with "important" people or authority figures,Being called on in class,Going on a date,Making phone calls,Taking exams,Eating or drinking in public,Speaking up in a meeting,Attending parties or other social gatherings.
Social anxiety sufferers have also physical symptoms of social anxiety
disorder like:
Red face, or blushing, shortness of breath,upset stomach, nausea,trembling and shaky voice,racing heart and tightness in chest,sweating or hot flashes, Shortness of breath,Upset stomach, nausea,trembling or shaking,racing heart,or tightness in chest, sweating or hot flashes.
After many therapy sessions with psychologists, I found Sebastiaan's program coaching on a blog; I definitely notice a difference, I've become comfortable in busy places, cinemas, cafe, restaurants, concerts.
All you need to do, is read the information and follow along with the video's and audio's. your anxiety is going to disappear in a couple of days, i felt calmer, in peace. That really is an amazing life changing feeling, I feel like a different person;im happy now that i released this disorder.Its a simple, and the most comprehensive, and most effective tool of energy psychology, it s a form of acupressure based on the energy meridians used in traditional acupuncture to treat physical and emotional pain for over 5000 years.
Thanks to my coaching sessions i found a month ago, my anxiety disappear as i practice, in a couple of days,i felt calmer, in peace, an amazing life changing feeling, I feel like a different person.
If you are a suffer, no matter how painfully anxious you may be and no matter how bad the butterflies, you can learn to be comfortable in social situations and reclaim your life.


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