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How Sharing Is An Important Part of Friendship

Ever since human beings first delved into caves for shelter, from both animals and the weather, sharing has been a part of life as we know it. As far back as these cavemen, sharing was used to both promote friendship, and also occasionally to promote survival of the group. Keep in mind however, that this was back when food was scarce, and involved a large expenditure of energy to acquire, such that should one tribe member have a large amount of food, he could be expected, as a member of the tribe, to share this food with the other members, and in this way prevent the tribe from dying of starvation. Sharing was also used as a way to secure a mate, by sharing his or her food with another, singular tribe member, that same tribe member would feel indebted towards the provider, while also seeing him as powerful, because not only does he hold the food, he also has the will to share it. Nowadays though, although in first world countries food is no longer an issue, and does not play such large a part in securing a partner, it is no less important. Even from an early age, children are taught to share between one another, and a selfish child soon is left alone by the other children. It has been statistically proven that children who are kinder, and share more with the other children develop a much more beneficial social life than those that do not. In the workplace, sharing is also important, indeed, many businesses find that sharing of tasks and challenges increases the overall productivity of the business, and generates a larger amount of profit. Yet, sharing is still used in an everyday environment, not just in the workplace, or in playgroup. Sharing between one and another creates a sense of unity, and bonding between the provider and the receiver. It also creates a sense of mutual trust between the participants, and it has been said for a long time that trust is the first building block of a friendship. For example, if someone was to ask you if they could borrow a small sum of money, if you accepted, you would be placing trust in them that they will eventually return it, and even when you are in need, borrow some money from them. This will eventually create a sense of unity between the participants. The emotional side of sharing is not to be dismissed either, however. Upon sharing with another individual, many people feel generally happier, and indeed, it has been shown that those who share and are kinder to other human beings live a happier and longer life. This feeling is generally intensified depending on the number of people you are giving to. On the other end, the receiver feels gratitude, and a sense of mutual understanding with the giver. In an already existing friendship, one where unity has developed between the participants, sharing can be a means of either reinforcing the unity between them, ensuring that each feel the same sense of gratitude and unconditional unity remains exactly that; unconditional. While over time friendships can weaken and decay, this is often the fault of selfishness. When one person strives to reinforce the unity held between the two, only to be brushed away, this person is hurt, and often people who find themselves in that situation cannot understand what they did wrong. After a time, the person who brushed away the giver may eventually come to a period where they can no longer support themselves, and require someone who can help them out. This is where sharing once again makes an appearance, as the giver who was brushed off may again offer a gift, and with it the promise of both a renewed friendship, and also a renewed strength of unity. It is worth remembering that, sharing is a powerful thing for your wellbeing! It can be used to both create friendship and unity, and to maintain it, and when brushed away is often harmful to both sides of the relationship. Human beings are social creatures by nature, and keeping in good conduct with one another is important, and something that many people spend a lot of hours in doing. Sharing is just one way of accomplishing, and building trust, friendship, and unity.


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